This is a modified version of a cable pattern I found years ago. Enjoy!
CO 40 st
Row 1—sl 1 kwise, P1, K1, P2, YO, k2tog, P2, K3, YO, k2tog, K3, P2, YO, k2tog, P2, K3, YO, k2tog, K3, P2, YO, k2tog, P2, K1, P1, K1.
Row 2— sl 1 pwise, *knit the k and purl the p*, ending with P1.
Row 3— sl 1 kwise, P1, K1, P2, ssk, YO, P2, K3, ssk, YO, K3, P2, ssk, YO, P2, K3, ssk, YO, K3, P2, ssk, YO, P2, K1, P1, K1.
Row 4— sl 1 pwise, *knit the k and purl the p*, ending with P1.
Repeat rows 1-4 once.
Repeat row 1-2 once.
Row 11– sl 1 kwise, P1, K1 P2, ssk, YO, P2, K8, P2, ssk, YO, P2, K8, P2, ssk, YO, P2, K1, P1, K1.
Row 12— sl 1 pwise, *knit the k and purl the p*, ending with P1.
Row 13— sl 1 kwise, P1, K1 P2, YO, k2tog, P2, C8L, P2, YO, k2tog, P2, C8L, P2, YO, k2tog, P2, K1, P1, K1.
Row 14— sl 1 pwise, *knit the k and purl the p*, ending with P1.
Repeat rows 1-14 until desired length is reached. BO all st.
C8L— slip 4 kwise onto cable needle, hold to front. K4 from left needle, K4 st from cable needle.
If you run into any problems or the pattern gives you any trouble feel free to email me at Remember, it's just one knit among the purls of life!